Raymond J. Prince
Advisor Group for the
Graphic Arts Industries
Renamed after its founder, the late Raymond J. Prince, the Graphic Communication Advisors Group (GCAG) is now the:
Raymond J. Prince
Graphic Communication Advisors Group
The purpose of the Raymond J. Prince Graphic Communication Advisors Group (GCAG) is to make specialists and experts accessible to the printing, publishing, packaging, and related communities.
With pressures to minimize permanent fulltime staff, the GCAG provides fresh, outside perspectives that benefit from a broad range of experiences and a long-term commitment to all facets of the graphic arts industries.
This website offers a directory of highly experienced graphic art consultants and practitioners, many of whom are industry’s “household names” and best-known managers, technologists, scientists, researchers, authors, and Expert Witnesses. They bring the power of their deep expertise and problem-solving acumen to bear on your most difficult problems. They are ready to serve you in the areas on the next page.
Sid Chadwick
Paul Cousineau
Howard Fenton
Laura Gale
Raymond Hartman
John E. Hyde, Esq.
Frank Kanonik
Harvey R. Levenson
Kenneth L. Macro
Laura Moynihan
Michael Murphy
John Parsons
Gordon Rivera
Frank Romano
Peter A. Schlosser
Steven Schnoll
Steve Suffoletto
John P. Sweeney
Robert C. Tapella
Janet Treer
Richard D. Warner
How To Use This Website
The Graphic Communication Advisors Specialties on the following pages include an email address, website, phone number, or a combination for each Advisor. Please review the listings and contact the Advisor of your choice directly should there be a need for assistance.